
Vehicles of Sri Lanka

By: leelefever on March 14, 2006 - 7:04am

The vehicles in Sri Lanka fascinated me.  They seem to have a flair about them that you don't see everywhere.  Check out this private bus, used for moving locals around the island:

Or this freight truck, called a Lorie.

Of course, they have the three-wheelers, known as tuk-tuks or bajaj.

Strange to us, but normal in Asia.  This, however, is something completely Sri Lankan.  It is a hand tractor which which came from China.  The Sri Lankans attached a trailer and turned it into a people mover.  Very common.

And of course, regular tractors too.

All these things, plus normal cars, trucks and busses get along very well with the Sri Lankan system of horn beeps and constant passing through curves and in cities.  I never saw one accident, not even hardly a dent on any car- it just works.


Animals of Sri Lanka

By: leelefever on March 14, 2006 - 6:48am

Wherever we are, I'm always fascinated by the animals.  As I've mentioned before, Sri Lanka was great because the animals were all free to do what they wish.  This point is no more clear than in this picture.

There are a few interesting things in this scene in Colombo, a city of 1.2 million.  1) a stop light- something rare in Sri Lanka.  2) a mix of styles- young and old.  3) most importantly- that is a goat just chilling out on the street corner, minding his own. 

You just just don't see that every day.

Aside from goats, we saw all sorts of animals.  Here are a few:

Water buffalo stopped traffic multiple times

Monkeys were everywhere

But not nearly as many monkeys as dogs.  Most looked better than this, but some were much worse.

This is the kind of thing that Sachi is most scared about in places like Sri Lanka. The scorpion.

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