
Help with the NEXT 6 Months? (Please)

By: leelefever on May 22, 2006 - 7:20am

We’re quickly approaching the halfway mark of our trip, which also means that we’ve written about 6 months of information and posted 6 months of pictures onto this web site.  On our minds recently is what we will post in the next 6 months.  We want your help with making the next six months more compelling than the past.

First, we should let you know our goals for the site because there are a few.  Luckily two of the major goals are accomplished with the same stroke- documenting our trip and sharing it with you, dear reader.  Selfishly, we want this site to be our virtual memoir and photo gallery – something we can refer to in years to come.  Of course, writing wouldn’t be nearly as fun or exciting without knowing that there are people who are interested in reading.  Your involvement in the form of comments, emails and travel experiences is the secret sauce that motivates us to post as much as we do.  That is the beauty of blogging- it’s a two way street and when we write, we think about what would be interesting and compelling for you to read. 

As such, we’re curious about your thoughts, ideas and/or feedback.  What would you like to see more or less of?  What you expect to see that we haven’t posted?  Can you think of specific posts (or types of posts) that are your favorites? 

Many thanks and arigatos!

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