
Vodafone X*Air in Wellington New Zealand

By: leelefever on January 20, 2006 - 9:23pm
A couple of weeks ago, as soon as we arrived in NZ, we saw an ad for an event in Wellington that featured extremed sports.  We planned to be in Wellington for the event that, last year, was the biggest event in the country.  It featured, skateboarding, bicycles, motorbikes, brewakdancing, etc. and was called Vodafone X*Air.
Before going on this with story, it's important to know something about Wellington.  They don't call it "Windy Welly" for nothin'. The wind blows and blows... and what happens when the wind blows?  Things blow around unpredictably.  This is certainly the case for motorcycles, who were supposed to take flight, contingent upon the lack of wind -- in Windy Welly.  As you likely guessed- some of the most anticipated events were cancelled due to wind -- in Windy Welly.
Regardless, it was a helluva fun way to spend an afternoon. Great people watching, good beer, lots of sun and a few fairly extreme things, including an extremely long belly flop contest that hoped to fill the gaps as events were cancelled. 
What was extreme you might ask?  The crowd, the sun, the beer lines, the belly flops and  this guy-- very extreme.

We did hang out for a final gratifying and fun event that featured people hurling themselves into The Edge Lagoon on bikes and skateboards...

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