The Decreasing Value of Weekends

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By: leelefever on November 23, 2005 - 9:52pm

Tonight is a Wednesday night, but not just any Wednesday night, it’s the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving.  So, it’s like a Friday, but one on the verge of a 4 day weekend for most people in the US.  It’s what should be a very special sort of Wednesday night.

On a week like this, the weekend starts early. The normal cycle of the week where we work, work, work for 5 days and play for two suddenly changes.  We do love our weekends and look forward to them with great anticipation.  Two extra days- that’s a good reason to party.

Something’s missing now though.  With the trip starting in just days, the work/play schedule is losing traction.  What we call “school nights” are bleeding into weekends and the cause for weekly celebration is just not as exciting.

Of course, this is a pretty great problem to have, but one that feels strange nonetheless.  I think we’re going to have to adjust to a new schedule and one that doesn’t recognize the work week.  Wow, that does sound pretty damn good and we are very, very thankful.

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